Passport Happy Hour: Beer30, Broadway Arcade, Hush Jazz Lounge

I did it! I finally hosted my first happy hour, and to say it was a success would be an understatement. I’d been tossing around the idea of throwing an event for a while now, and I’m so glad I finally had the courage to take the leap and give it a try.

Laughs were had. Beers were drank. Friends were made.

We met at Beer30 (previously Broadway Bistro) and started the night off with a few beer towers, then meandered up to Broadway Arcade for $5 unlimited games. Later in the night, the brave souls that were left ventured down to Hush Jazz Lounge and topped off the evening with an oh-so-fancy cocktail.

I can’t even express how grateful I am that people came out. A whopping 35 people showed up to this event! We were pulling up extra chairs, apologizing to the waitress for exceeding our reservation, and wrangling a straight up squad when it was time for a change in scenery. A few people even suggested making it a monthly thing, so you can definitely expect more happy hours to come.

HUGE thank you to The Passport Program for giving us all a reason to come together. Also never-ending thanks to Wess Howell for capturing some rad shots of the group! Give him a follow, show him some love and feel free to share his images.

Lastly, I want to thank all of you for being patient with me. It took me a bit recap this event, because, well, I’ve been busy living life! As soon as we finished up with the happy hour, I hopped in a car and drove west for a ski trip with a handful of my greatest pals. Once I got back to Kansas City, I basically kept driving and landed in St. Louis to live it up for Mardi Gras.

Blogging is strange. It’s an ongoing search to find the balance between purpose and posting, activities and iPhone, serenity and screen time. It’s a whirlwind of living in the moment, followed by an immediate need to share said moment. So I thank you all for not only coming along on this ride with me, but understanding the importance of stopping to take in the view every once in a while.

Thanks again to The Passport Program for hooking it up. You can use the code SARAHSTYLES for 30% off your Winter Edition Passport, or better yet, comment below and I’ll send you one for free!

As always, I’ll catch ya where the drinks are buy-one-get-one.