The Extra Thing

The other day I attended an AAF KC event at which I heard some of the most evocative words I’ve heard in a while. One of the speakers shared a few tips for success. No frills. No fluff. No sugarcoat.

“Do the extra thing,” he said.

He explained that countless job opportunities, gigs and mentorships stemmed from something he’d chosen to do on the side. A relationship he’d formed at an optional event. A voiceover he decided to record on a whim. A project he took on to help a friend.

So, of course, that got me thinking. Thinking a lot about doing and being and living extra. 

Simply stated, doing the extra thing is going out of your way to do more. Taking that extra step or going that extra mile. It’s not necessary, in fact it’s usually far from. It’s not your job. But somehow it’s just as important.

I realize that the extra thing is different for everybody. It means different things for different people. Some days it’s stepping up to cover a coworker’s shift. Other days it’s spending countless hours on the side hustle that has no guarantee of taking off.

And that’s the thing about the extra thing, there may not always be a guaranteed benefit. It can be fun, but it can also be exhausting. Sometimes it seems like a waste of time and energy. But at the end of the day, it has a way of bringing self-awareness, understanding and growth. Always pushing you to do and be more.

People ask questions. Lots of questions. Why did I start a fashion blog? Do I think it will take off? How many followers do I have? How many people view my blog? And I used to give them hesitant, roundabout answers that undermine everything I’ve worked hard to create. I’d reduce Sarah Styles to nothing but a catchy hashtag and an average Instagram feed. But now I’ve learned it’s okay to put your passion into action on the side. It’s okay to do the extra things and take the time to put more good into the world. In fact, the world would be a much better place if we all made extra the norm.

So, start a blog. Sing in the church choir. Freelance. Learn to knit. Pick up an instrument. Journal. Learn another language. Volunteer to stay late. Take advantage of the opportunities presented to you.

Put more good into the world the best way you know how. Say yes. And always do the extra thing.

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