Morning Recovery: The Lil Shooter That Makes Post-Drinking Mornings Better

School night happy hour got a lil rowdier than you anticipated? Wine gone to your head? Nervous you won’t be able to survive a whole weekend in Vegas? (OK that example is very specific to me. but honestly it’s a real struggle.) No matter your drinking occasion, I got the fix!!

Close your eyes and imagine this with me.

Did you actually close your eyes? Cause if so imma need you to open them again so you can keep reading this, stick with me y’all.

It’s a Friday night. I’m planning on hitting the town with a few of my closest friends. But unlike every other post-bender morning of my life where I wake up with immense regret (and a pulsing headache), I’m planning on feeling like a million bucks come Saturday morning.

“How is that possible???” you’re mouthing to yourself. I’ve got you wrapped around my lil pinky finger, and we all know it.

All because of this cute lil shooter called Morning Recovery from More Labs!

“Is it the elixir of life?” you ask?

I mean, perhaps. It’s definitely life-giving. But it’s actually a little bottle of science that will make your post night out mornings entirely more bearable from here on out.

Just take one of these bad boys when you get home from the bars, back from happy hour or after polishing off a bottle of wine on your couch (hey, I’m not even judging you, I’m mostly just impressed)and the dreaded rough mornings cease to exist.

You must, and I need you to listen very closely to this part, you must take it the night before, not the morning of. That part is very important – it’s like only clicking your red ruby slippers twice and expecting to go back home. Otherwise when the clock strikes midnight you will in fact turn back into a pumpkin, return to your nasty ass step sisters, and resort to being prince-less and forever alone for the rest of your lonely days. To put it simply, you will still feel like crap the next day.

You take it the NIGHT OF?! Yes! You take it the night of, silly!

If you do it right and abide by all the rules and regulations set by the Official Morning Recovery Consumption and Control Committee (AKA More Labs), these things will work like magic. No seriously though these things might in fact be magic. Or maybe science? Yeah, science makes more sense.

If you’re like me, you’re probably skeptical. You may be thinking, “You don’t understand – I get like next level sick the next morning.”

First of all, I would just like extend my deepest condolences. Let us observe a moment of silence for all those mornings after spent on the cold hard bathroom tile or condemned to stare at your bedroom ceiling helplessly because you are simply too weak to emerge from your comfy queen sized bed.

It could’ve just been a single glass of wine. It could have been the tequila shots (I’ve sworn tequila off for life and no one I mean NO ONE can convince me otherwise) or it could be the deadly mixing of liquors, beers and Lawd knows what else that got your tummy feeling all kinds of twisted the next morning. (Hint: if you consumed a Long Island, it was undeniably the third option that got ya good.) No matter what type of poison you voluntarily fed into your body (hah), you can now give your liver a lil nudge, nay, a boost, in absorbing, digesting and breaking up the alcohol that is coursing through your veins.

Disclaimer: I am in no way condoning binge drinking. I will inevitably get a call from my mother after she reads this blog post that will go something along the lines of, “Now just cause you have those fancy little recovery shooters doesn’t mean you don’t need to be aware of how much alcohol you’re drinking! They’re not an excuse to be reckless!”

To which I will calmly, cooly and collectedly respond, “Mom, you are oh so right. I’m just happy I don’t have to worry about how a glass of wine will affect me the next morning.” We’ve all had that wait-what-I-only-had-one-drink-last-night-how-could-I-possibly-be-hungover moment and it royally sucks.

So! At this point, you’re probably wondering, “How much do those suckers cost?!” In fact, they are quite affordable. And by affordable I mean if you’re spending 8 bucks on a G&T, $5.83 a bottle shouldn’t be a problem. PLUS! You can use the code MOPM15 for 15% off your first purchase or the code MOPM25 for 25% off your first subscription. Keep those bottles COMIN’!

In conclusion – remember these words next time you’re inevitably incapacitated the morning after a bomb night out.

Take this tonight. Tomorrow will be alright.