We’ve all heard the age-old rule: it is forbidden to wear white after Labor Day. And if you’re the kind of gal who follows this rule religiously, chances are you’re spending this week exhausting every white outfit in your wardrobe in anticipation of September 5th. I get it, I’ve been there. Growing up, my family followed “The White Rule” to a T. Every September my mother would stow away all white articles of clothing, and they would disappear into this magical void in my closet, only to be brought back out when the weather warmed up. I won’t lie to y’all, there was actually a point in my life when I bought into the idea that this rule was written on stone tablets handed down by the fashion gods themselves. Thank goodness I’ve come to my senses.
Society has rules. I get it, they’re necessary. But when it comes to your look, I’ve realized that staying true to your style and individuality trumps the so-called rules of fashion every single time. Turns out rules are really just more of guidelines or suggestions that should never hinder you in your quest for the perfect outfit.
This fierce, white leather jacket is the perfect exception to “The White Rule.” It makes a statement, but doesn’t scream summer. The black accents completely transform the color palette, providing an opportunity to pair the jacket with darker colors. The material itself is practical for later months. And, honestly, it’s too badass of a jacket to only wear during certain seasons.

It is possible that the fashion gods are looking down on us, shaking their heads in disapproval? Sure. But it’s more likely they’re lovin’ the fact that we’re throwing the rules out the window to show our individuality.
Sarah Styles